10 Ways to Ensure Your Tank Lining Project is Successful – Part 3

April 1, 2009

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Continued: 10 Ways to Ensure Your Tank Lining Project is Successful

The previous blog discussed the importance of performing regular and accurate inspections at all stages of the tank lining project, the need to keep an up-to-date documentation, and determining the specifications of the tank as a useful information for painting contractors conducting the tank lining activity.

Below are three more crucial factors in ensuring the success of the tank lining project:

6. Use only the proper equipments and materials

The materials and equipments to use depend greatly on the tank specifications, purposes and conditions, in a way that tanks used for food storage should have a different set of tools to use compared to tanks used for, say, chemical containment. Painting contractors opt to use diverse materials for tank lining, ranging from epoxy resins to elastomeric coatings, on a case-to-case basis.

7. Deploy proper site and surface preparation

It is very critical that the painting contractors have prepared the site and the tank’s surface thoroughly for the activity. Site preparation may involve the placement of barriers and traffic re-routing strategies to ensure safety. Surface preparation often involves careful cleaning of the tank surface through abrasive blasting to improve adhesion of the coating material.

8. Implement the correct tank lining process

The tank lining process involves an evenly-applied coating that strictly observes manufacturer’s instructions, and with careful consideration of the tank specifications. Only well-trained painting contractors can execute the project resulting in structurally-sound storage tanks.

The succeeding blog will tackle the last critical factors of a successful tank lining projects –quality control systems and post-monitoring plans.

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