Airless Spray Application Tips

April 11, 2012

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Overspray is determined by many things; tip size, tip condition (new or used, clean or dirty etc.), pressure used to spray, distance between spray gun and surface, angle of spray gun in relation to surface, and wind; to name a few.

Any airless sprayer will generate some form of overspray, but there are a couple of ways to help reduce the additional paint. The very first way is to set the pressure control at the lowest possible pressure, while still maintaining a solid fan pattern. The next way is to make sure that the correct tip size is being used. If the tip is too large, it will only lead to excess paint being applied to the surface.
Work Area Configurations
Practicing your spray strokes before doing the specific work is a best practice for a brand new work project for operators. By repeating the gun movement the operator saves paint with reduced overspray, has less fatigue by using more practical gun actions and provides a finer quality finish.

To cut back overspray on a work area, use the “banding” technique. Proceed with a vertical stroke at each end of a big panel, instead of attempting to cover the ends with horizontal strokes. This reduces paint usage and overspray.

Interior Corners
To apply an even coat of paint to an interior corner, point the spray gun at an angle. To circumvent double coating the same area, use horizontal strokes to spray the area next to the corner. Spray each side of the corner separately. A vertical pattern can often be used.

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