In All Kinds Of Weather

February 11, 2013

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How weather conditions affect commercial painting

While the climate surrounding the commercial and industrial painting process can be fairly well controlled for interior projects, painting outside is another matter. Unfortunately, there is no thermostat for the weather—and no matter what climate you’re in, “perfect days” for painting are few and far between.

One important responsibility for commercial painting contractors is to pay attention to the weather forecasts, and arrive at the job site ready to tackle the various challenges that come with changing environmental conditions.

Outdoor painting in cold weather

While the state does have an abundance of warm weather, California commercial painting contractors still have to deal with chilly winter temperatures, and in some areas, downright cold conditions. Low temperatures affect the painting process by delaying the drying process—which can cause problems if a contractor tries to apply additional coats when the layer beneath hasn’t fully dried.

Moisture is another cold-weather enemy to exterior commercial painting. During the winter months, moisture accumulates in the form of either dew or frost, depending on the temperature, and can interfere with the painting process if it’s not addressed.

Hot and dry conditions

Heat and low moisture bring a different set of struggles for exterior commercial painting. High temperatures can cause the solvent in paint to evaporate too quickly, which can lead to serious imperfections in the application, such as wrinkling or blistering. In hot weather, painting crews must also take additional safety precautions at the job site to avoid illness and injury.

The effects of moisture and humidity

Wet conditions on a commercial exterior painting job site can lead to a number of difficulties. High humidity affects the drying and curing process by slowing down evaporation, which can cause the paint to sag and drip excessively. The extended drying time can also allow dirt and particulate matter to settle into the tacky paint, which can ruin the appearance of the finished project.

A skilled commercial painting contractor should be aware of the effects the weather has on exterior painting projects, and be prepared to address these adverse conditions to ensure timely completion and a great-looking paint job when the project is finished—despite the weather that surrounds them.

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