Breakthroughs in Paint Technology

December 28, 2009

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For industrial coatings contractors, 2009 saw the development and release of innovative paint technologies borne out of the crippling financial downturn. These new paint products are making their way into industrial coatings contractors’ hands and directly into facilities, delivering high quality and much more.

Energy efficiency is the theme for solar-reflective cool roofs, which are so-called because they are very useful in deflecting the sun’s rays away from the facility, maintaining good ventilation, and resulting in lesser energy costs. Cool roofs, as industrial coatings contractors know, are only possible with roof coatings that have high solar-reflective index, an important property of roof coatings.

Longevity and sustainability are not far behind with high-solids rolling out of manufacturers’ labs. The three-wet paint technology is having a resurgence, with Ford leading the way with a global implementation. This technology cuts down on paint preparations and saves time and energy in the process.

Self-cleaning paints may sound too futuristic for industrial coatings contractors used to practical and ordinary paints, but these products are right now being developed in research labs and will likely hit the shelves sooner than expected. These paints are impervious to chemical attacks and decontaminate themselves from these chemicals. Should these experimental paints ever come out of research labs, they can be very useful and a flexible addition to innovative paints most sought by industrial painting contractors.

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