Building Preparations for the Winter

December 7, 2009

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The winter season is the time of the year when facility managers think of winter-proofing activities for the facility. The cold winter weather can be harsh on industrial and commercial facilities; this is why it is better for some extra precautionary measures to be taken to protect these properties from the severe winter conditions.

The facility’s exteriors are particularly vulnerable to the harsh winter climates, with the onslaught of cold, wind and snow constantly assaulting the building’s exterior walls, roofs and decks. A maintenance checklist should be drawn up by the facility manager to keep in mind to repair or fortify these areas of the facility from the winter season. Of course, one major item on the checklist is hiring a skilled epoxy coating contractor to winter-proof the coating systems of exterior locations of the building.

Exterior walls should be checked and the epoxy coating contractor should strengthen the coatings of the exterior walls before the cold weather sets in. Any roof coating leaks should also be sealed by the epoxy coating contractor before the arrival of winter. The coatings on HVAC system, critical supply lines, and even gutters and drains, should also be checked before winter, and if any coating deterioration is visible, the epoxy coating contractor should repair them at once. When winter finally arrives, any repair is already difficult, if not impossible.

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