Coatings Failure from Surface Particles

September 2, 2009

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Although surface particles or particulate matters have slightly lesser frequency of occurrence than the natural and constantly interacting forces of sun, air, and water, they are also one of the major causes of epoxy coatings failure in many buildings and facilities.

When surfaces and substrates did not receive the most careful surface preparation, they are not clean enough for the demands of epoxy coatings applications. Any minute traces of dust, dirt, grease and other foreign particles that remains in the surface to be coated is a coatings failure waiting to happen. These tiny debris maybe nearly-invisible, but they hinder the epoxy coatings from totally bonding with the surface to be coated. And when the adhesion force of the applied epoxy coatings is lesser, the coatings will soon crack or peel away, leading to premature coatings failure.

In the case of steel surfaces, salt deposits that are almost hard to see with the human eyes may lodge in the surface, stubbornly clinging to the exterior even after surface sandblasting. The salt deposits slowly attack the metal surface underneath the epoxy coatings, causing irreversible corrosion and eventual coatings failure. In such cases, surface preparation through hydro blasting can remove these residual particles before coatings application.

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