Design Flexibility with Decorative Concrete

November 23, 2010

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Many high-end facilities use decorative concrete as their floor finishings of choice because of the flexibility in creating beautiful floor finishing designs using concrete. With the help of decorative concrete coatings, ordinary concrete is transformed into good-looking floors that are not as high-maintenance as regular floor coverings like carpet or wood. Concrete is also a durable alternative to these coverings that are often vulnerable and poorly-resistant to moisture exposure.

Decorative concrete coatings can result to beautiful stained or polished concrete floors, which are not only attractive but are also cheaper than traditional floor coverings. Polished concrete floors, in particular, are chosen in many public facilities because they are easy to maintain, longer-lasting, and create beautiful and light-reflective floors.

To achieve a polished look on concrete floors, it takes only a polishing primer and a technique known as concrete grinding to give ordinary concrete floors a glossy or shiny appearance. When concrete floors are polished to this state, they don’t need any waxing. If grinding is not done, decorative concrete coatings and polishing equipments can create the same smooth and aesthetically-appealing look on concrete floors.

Because of the design flexibility of concrete, it is often used in more retail and commercial facilities. When before, such facilities go for linoleums, tiles, marble and granite to create sophisticated-looking floors, these smooth decorative concrete floors are slowly replacing these traditional floors coverings and fast becoming a beautiful, durable and less-costly option.

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