Facility Managers Guide for Public Health Emergency Preparedness

May 11, 2009

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The threat of a global epidemic or pandemic is sweeping all over the world today, due to the recent outbreak and spread of the H1N1 strain of the Influenza A virus. Everywhere in the world, concerned governments and health organizations are trying to mitigate the pandemic flu by instituting preventive and precautionary measures.

Public health emergencies like the H1N1 flu or “swine flu” raises global alarm because of its devastating effects to the human population. It can cause serious illnesses that may lead to death.

The pandemic flu is also a concern of the facility manager who has the responsibility to ensure that smaller microcosms of the world such as the residential, commercial or industrial facility is kept safe and protected from any types of risks or threats. It falls on the shoulders of the facility manager to keep building tenants informed, involved and empowered in case a public health emergency threatens the facility premises and the areas around it.

In the case of the pandemic flu, it is a threat to the facility because it primarily brings damages to people, and when humans are stricken, incapacitated or dead, disruption to key businesses inevitably follows, causing financial damages on the side.

The facility manager must be committed to coordinate the establishment and execution of an emergency preparedness or contingency plan for the facility, in the event that the dreaded pandemic flu or any other possible calamity arises.

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