Green Bridge Painting

April 6, 2010

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Foremost of the logistical challenges faced by bridge painting contractors during bridge repairs and maintenance is the environmental concern that arises whenever bridge painting activities are planned for implementation.

Ecological welfare being at the forefront of the public consciousness nowadays, bridge painting contractors often find that strict compliance to environmental safety regulations should be top priority of their project implementation activities.

Bridge painting contractors should use low-VOC coatings as much as possible, to replace old bridge coating systems. This should also align with lead abatement activities, which is often the case with old bridges that were formerly coated with lead-based coating products.

The handling of coatings products, their storage and disposal, as well as the work practices and procedures used in bridge coatings application and repair – all of these are issues that bridge painting contractors should address. Observance of these environmental concerns assure that the surrounding environment where the bridge is located, as well as the local populace doing their commute in that bridge, are not harmed in any way during and after bridge repairs.

Only skilled bridge painting contractors can balance such environmental concerns with the underlying cost and technical considerations of the project, assuring that the quality of the bridge repair project is not compromised in any way.

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