Whether you’re an owner of a massive facility that’s about to undergo a restoration or you’re a small business manager who’s contracting out a warehouse refinishing job, you want to know that your industrial painting contractor is properly trained in safe and effective painting practices. Fortunately, the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) has developed a sophisticated set of certification programs to help business owners like you make smart, safe decisions about their hires.
SSPC Safety Certifications for Industrial Painting Contractors
QP1: Industrial Coatings, Steel Surface Prep
QP2: Hazardous Paint removal
QP3: Indoor Facilities Surfaces and Coating Apps
The SSPC Safety Certifications break down into three main classes – QP1, QP2, and QP3. A QP1 certified individual is deemed safe to do work relating to industrial coatings and surface prep for steel work. QP2 certified painters are qualified to remove hazardous paint. QP3 certified industrial painting contractors are qualified to prepare surfaces and coating applications for an indoor facility (open or covered).
As saftey is a big issue on all industrial painting contractors, specialty certifications are just as important. Part 2 will include specialty certifications.