Pinholes are Formed in Warm Temperature

October 27, 2009

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Surface-marring bubbles or pinholes indicate that there is a failure in the industrial floor coatings application. Concrete floor systems should be free of pinholes because these blisters are unsightly and can even undermine the integrity and durability of concrete floors.

To eradicate pinholes during industrial floor coatings application, there is a need to identify how they are formed or what causes their appearance in painted surfaces. Knowing how they are formed leads to an effective solution in reducing the occurrence of pinholes in industrial floor coatings application.

One of the primary causes of pinholes is the degree of temperature in the location where the industrial floor coatings application takes place. Moisture found in minute quantities in the concrete surface turns into vapor when the room temperature is warm. The trapped air is forced out of the concrete crevasses, but with no outlet to release this trapped air, it is vented out through any weak areas of the industrial floor coatings, forming pinholes.

To avoid moisture from turning into trapped air, the solution is to simply avoid applying industrial floor coatings in warm conditions. The concrete surface has to be cooler. Heat will make water molecules active and lead to vaporization, catalyzing the formation of pinholes.

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