The Secondary Colors

August 1, 2008

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Secondary colors are produced by mixing the primary hues in various proportions. Like the primary colors, secondary colors have meaning and can be incorporated in a color scheme that influences customers.

Gray: Like white, gray is seen as neutral. Using gray can be tricky because the color is often perceived as dull or uninspiring. In commercial settings, gray coatings are often composed of dozens of subtle shades and hues in order to retain visual interest

Brown: Reliability and stability are indicated by brown. The color is seen as safe, and somewhat dull. The color can also trigger feelings of sadness.

Purple: Purple is the color of royalty and nobility. Purple whispers a message of luxury and wealth to the observer. Purple is also a favorite color for young women, so many retail stores that target teenagers will incorporate purple in their color scheme.

Orange: Orange is energetic without having the overtones of danger found in red. Orange tones are playful, and are often incorporated into the color design of toy stores.

Green: Green is the color of nature and is perceived as being refreshing or invigorating. Green is often used in large open areas in malls to provide an uplifting shot of energy that lacks the nervous edge of red or yellow.

Using color to generate emotional effects is a complex field. The paint and other coatings must be integrated into the décor of the retail setting. Without careful study, the desired effects will not manifest. This information is presented as a guide for retail store owners to self-check the impact of their business location and generate ideas for renovation.

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