Tank lining projects follow a fairly straightforward implementation process beginning with material identification, project planning, tank preparation, application and continuous quality control and evaluation.
Expert painting contractors can recommend the best-matched coating product specific for the tank’s surface material. A survey of the tank’s location, work crew organization, and addressing all of the project’s logistical issues are part of the project planning phase. Once the project is underway, careful preparatory procedures are conducted to ready the tank for the eventual lining. Abrasive blasting prepares the surface of the tank by removing traces of dirt and any surface contaminants, increasing the lining profile and guaranteeing favorable adhesion during the lining application.
Tank lining materials that comply with industry standards are then applied to specification. The method of application may vary depending on the expertise and the way of working of painting contractors. The specific requirements of the tank come into consideration, such as in cases where large areas often require the use of airless sprays, and hard-to-reach corners and seams require careful manual application.
As part of an effective quality control system, monitoring, testing, results interpretation and implementing the appropriate actions for any problems that may arise all throughout the project is also an integral part of the whole tank lining process.