With the correct application of high-quality epoxy coatings, ordinary concrete floors are transformed into areas imbued with the following benefits:
1. Damage-resistant floors
Flooring systems inevitably deteriorate due to the daily physical activities in the facility. Repairing damaged floors using epoxy coatings not only fix the damage, it also brings superior protection against any future damages. Many epoxy coatings products offer protection from moisture intrusion and chemical spillage. They are also impervious to other types of damages, such as corrosion or air pollution.
2. Long-lasting floor surfaces
The epoxies in epoxy floor coatings are excellent barriers against any external or environmental sources of damages. Its excellent protective capabilities allow epoxy coatings to thrive under adverse conditions, such as constant traffic, hard impacts or toxic spills. This means that epoxy-coated floor systems can last for as long as 7 years and beyond, with minimal repairs.
3. Beautiful floors
Epoxy coatings go beyond mere function to help create stylish-looking floors. Lifting the doldrums out of drab and gray concrete floors, epoxy coatings come in many color choices that will bring out the best in floors. Tired-looking color schemes do not inspire visitors, tenants and workers. But epoxy coatings can create charming floor systems even in non-descript places like the garage or basement, and will certainly enliven visitors’ lounges, hospital waiting areas, and corporate showrooms, among others.