This guide continues from part one that includes what the owner should do to prep the building. The guilde continues to include what the paintign contractor is responsible for.
Sand or Blast Painting Surface: Your Painting Contractor
The actual sanding of the painting surface should be left to your painting contractor. Depending on the types of coating products that will be applied to the surface, the contractor may have specific manufacturer’s recommendations for sanding. Plus most painting contractors hold to a high standard for surface prep because it is such a huge component of a quality job.
Prime Painting Surface: Your Painting Contractor
After the drying cleaning and sanding, the painting surface is ready to be primed. A primer coat acts as the foundation for the coating. All subsequent layers of paint depend on the adhesion between the primer and the bare surface. Most painting contractors will insist on applying the primer coat to ensure that it is properly done and capable of producing a good finished product.
For more information and advice on preparing a surface for painting and coating, please contact a professional painting company.
IMPORTANT: You should consult with your painting contractor and determine if lead-based paints or other hazardous materials are present before cleaning the painting surface. If a hazardous material issue exists, the painting surface will need to be cleaned by a certified professional for safety reasons.