What you need to know about Waterproofing Systems

May 4, 2012

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The waterproofing materials and methodologies to use depend largely on the ground conditions and the way water is infiltrating the structure. The goal of waterproofing is to create a watertight structure that is impervious to water seepage and pressure. A skilled waterproofing contractor can implement the right waterproofing system which may include a variation of cementitious polymer-based coatings or multi-coat renders mastic asphalt or liquid-applied membranes, slurries, or even the creative use of epoxy coatings.

Some waterproofing contractor companies prefer to fortify their waterproofing systems with the construction of non-linked cavity walls and bund walls, and even establish drainage channels and pumps to remove excess water. To add “breathability” the waterproofing contractor also installs ventilated flooring to the underground chambers.

Waterproofing of deck and flooring require the application of cementitious coatings with chemical, skip or slip resistance. These coatings are impervious to water and dry quickly, ready for the onslaught of traffic in a matter of hours.

Waterproofing Contractors

Waterproofing engineering structures require a highly-skilled waterproofing contractor to deliver a feasible design and installation of the waterproofing system. Needless to say, experience matters in hiring a waterproofing contractor, and certifications and credentials should also be a big reason for choosing one.

The right waterproofing contractor can assess the facility’s needs for waterproofing through site inspections, which then allows them to specify the best waterproofing system for the particular project. Their technical expertise should cover the right methods to use in surface preparation, thinning, mixing and application, among other activities that are necessary in setting up a waterproofing system.

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